Pontoon Card Game Rules Uk
Card Dominoes Is a fun and simple card game that can be enjoyed by all ages with standard deck of cards. It is also known as Sevens, Parliamnent, and Fan Tan Catch the Ten Chase the Ace Chase the Ace is a quick playing simple card game that uses as standard deck of cards and can be enjoyed by children as well as adults. The game of Pontoon is much like the game of classic blackjack, but with a few changes in place which make it an entertaining card game. In the game of Pontoon, the best hand a player will achieve will be a hand which consists of a 10 value card and an Ace, similar to traditional blackjack but a face and an ace is the aim, not just 21. The best hand of all is a Pontoon, which is 21 points in two cards - this can only consist of ace plus a picture card or ten. Next best after a Pontoon is a Five Card Trick, which is a hand of five cards totaling 21 or less. A hand of three or four cards worth 21 points beats everything else except a Pontoon or Five Card Trick. Pontoon Game Rules. Rather than using terms like twist, stick or buy, which are the common British Pontoon terms, Betsoft, similar to RTG, has stayed true to the original Blackjack terms, with Double, Split, Stand and Hit buttons located in the bottom panel, and five chip sizes found in the bottom right hand corner.

How to Play Pontoon Blackjack
The objective here is similar to other blackjack variations; you want to beat the dealer’s hand, either by having a hand valued at more points, or from the dealer busting. You will need to accomplish this without busting yourself (exceeding 21 points) which will result in an immediate loss for you.
Pontoon is played with 2-8 decks, depending on the casino. Each card represents it’s value, so a 9 equals 9 points, 3 equals 3 points, etc. Face cards will equal 10 points and aces equal 1 or 11 points.
To start the game, each player will need to place a wager. Then they will be dealt their cards, two at a time. The dealer will receive two cards, too, both of them faced down.

Then the action starts. The following are the blackjack rules that you and the dealer need to follow, as well as the options you have when it comes to standing, hitting, splitting, doubling down and so forth.
Pontoon Rules
Pontoon Blackjack Rules
Pontoon Card Game Rules Uk 2017
- Players have to hit hands valued at 14 points or lower. You can only stand on 15 or higher, or any 5-card hand.
- Player / dealer ties result in a loss for the player.
- The dealer peeks for a blackjack/pontoon. If he has one, the game is automatically over.
- Players natural 21 beats the dealer’s natural 21.
- Players can double down on 2-4 cards, but only once per hand.
- Players can hit following a double down.
- Hands can be split up to 2 times, creating 3 playable hands.
- Aces can only be split once, and will receive one hand per ace.
- Players will receive a 2:1 payout if they make a 5-Card Trick, which is having 5 cards without busting (going over 21).
- Blackjacks are referred to as pontoons, and are any hand consisting of an ace and ten point card.
- A two card pontoon after splitting aces is a pontoon.
- Once all the players have acted, the dealer will flip over his hand and hit until he has a hard 17 or better, or busts. The dealer also stops if he makes a 5 card hand.
- Pontoons pay 2:1.
Pontoon Game

Blackjack Card Game Rules Uk
The key differences here (compared to other variants) is that the dealer doesn’t have an up card showing. This increases the casino’s advantage over you. However, considering that any pontoon you make wins, including multiple cards or split aces, that makes up for it. The dealer also has to hit a soft 17 and that your natural blackjack beats the dealer’s (natural). So there are plenty of outcomes that improve your edge. The house edge for this game is right around .40 percent, depending on where you play it.
Pontoon Card Game Rules Uk Visa
Interestingly, the names for common blackjack options are different in pontoon, too. For example, a hit in pontoon is called a twist. Buy a card is another way of saying double down, and stick refers to standing.